
Diagnostic Assessment is an intensive clinical and functional face-to-face evaluation of a person’s mental health, developmental disability, or substance abuse condition that results in the issuance of a Diagnostic Assessment report with a recommendation regarding whether you meet the state mandated criteria to receive services. The Diagnostic Assessment process with Access Family Services includes the following elements:

  1. A chronological general health and behavioral health history (includes both mental health and substance abuse) of symptoms, treatment, treatment response and attitudes about treatment over time, emphasizing factors that have contributed to or inhibited previous recovery efforts.
  2. Biological, psychological, familial, social, developmental and environmental dimensions and identified strengths and weaknesses in each area.
  3. A description of the presenting problems, including source of distress, precipitating events, associated problems or symptoms, recent progressions; and current medications.
  4. A strengths/ problem summary which addresses risk of harm, functional status, co-morbidity, recovery environment, and treatment and recovery history;
  5. Diagnoses on all five (5) axes of DSM-IV;
  6. Evidence of an interdisciplinary team progress note that documents the teams review and discussion of the assessment.
  7. A recommendation regarding target population eligibility; and
  8. Evidence of recipient participation including families, or when applicable, guardians or other caregivers.